COWA President Visit Customs Zone C


Jude Nzennaya, Port Harcourt

Wife of the Comptroller General of Nigeria Customs Service, CGC Bashir Adewale Adeniyi and National President of Customs Officers Wives Association (COWA), Mrs. Kikelomo Adeniyi visited Zone C amid funfair promised to train 1200 widows between now and the end of year 2024.

Mrs. Adeniyi, who made the promise at Zone C Headquarters, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, during her maiden visit on the 8th of November, 2023 said the essence of her visit was to familiarize with the activities of the zone and to acquaint it with the programmes of her association, COWA.

She emphasised on the aims of COWA, which include: organizimg seminars and workshops for wives of Customs officers and members of the larger society; to promote activities that will support the Federal Government’s poverty eradication programme, as well as reduce infant and maternal mortality; promote and support the welfare of the wives of Customs officers; and to establish schools and skills acquisition centres.

According to Mrs. Adeniyi: “We have a strong and active Board of Trustees and Executives in place to support us in driving our objectives. COWA, under our leadership, is rebranding and repositioning itself to add more value to its members and to the larger society.

“We have identified specific areas of needs that we intend to focus our attention on in the short and medium terms. These areas include: training our members on family health and wellbeing, skills acquisition, business training and empowerment programmes, providing support to the wives and children of fallen officers, support for orphanages, embarking on campaign against drug abuse and promotion of basic education.

“Our trainings are aimed to enable COWA members effectively set up and manage businesses without compromising their duties on the home front. We estimate that up to 1,200 COWA members will benefit from these trainings between now and the end of 2024.

“Our planned support for the wives and children of fallen officers is to enable surviving spouses cater for the needs of their children. COWA intends to establish contacts with as many of such families as possible, especially the ones that were recently bereaved, and extend helping hands to them.

“Our focus in this regard is to provide educational support and scholarships to the children through the payment of school fees, and vocational empowerment of the bereaved wives to make them self-reliant,” COWA President stated.

While assuring of extending love, care and support to the orphans and orphanages, Mrs. Adeniyi lauded ACG O Peters and his officers for the sacrifices that they have made in promoting trade facilitation and keeping Nigeria and Nigerians safe.

She further used the occasion to appreciate Barr. Mrs. Maryam Mustapha Hashim, the Chairperson of COWA Area 1 chapter and her team for the good job that they are doing in their chapter and as well, appealed to Customs officers from the rank of ASC II to allow their wives join COWA and to encourage them to participate in the activities of the association.

Presenting her address, the Chairperson of COWA, Area 1 chapter, Barr. Mrs. Maryam Mustapha Hashim, described the official visit of Mrs. Kikelomo Adeniyi as a significant turning point in the activities of COWA, which brings great joy to all members, who over the years had celebrated the lofty visions of the founding mothers of their great association.

Barr. Mrs. Hashim said: “Let me first of all use this auspicious occasion to commend you for your exceptional leadership qualities and achievements within the short period of your assumption of office. It is indeed a daunting task to transverse the length and breadth of this Nation, for the purpose of promoting, and providing social and welfare programs for all ranks of the force, their families and the public. It is a journey you have started gracefully, and we believe that at the end of it, your name will be written in gold.

“We are optimistic that your leadership in COWA will attract sustainable growth and development in the lives of our members.

“I am also pleased, to inform you that since taking over from my predecessor barely two weeks ago, I and my members swung into action. First, was the setting up of the administrative structure of the chapter, renovation and repairs of the COWA office accommodation and Bus respectively.

“This was followed by organizing a sensitization workshop in collaboration with the Chartered Institute of Mentoring and Coaching, Nigeria with the theme: ‘Empowered Mindset and Positive Intelligence for Women.” The workshop which had a rich content, exposed our members to some of the challenges faced by women both in the workplace and the home front. Other aspect of the workshop include: self-development and awareness, business development, drug abuse and addiction management, abuse and preventive techniques among, others.

“Going forward, the Area 1 chapter is also hoping to partner with other institutions to organize health talks, career development, computer literacy classes, vocational skills, and empowerment programs among, others.

“We are optimistic that with the array of programs lined up for the members in this chapter, it will go a long way to improve and sustain the growth and development of all.

“Some of the aims and objectives of the association, which include: fostering the bond of friendship, promote cordial relationship and enhance unity amongst Customs Officers Wives, had been a pivotal approach towards building a strong, resourceful and capable home builders.

“It is on that note that we are privileged to request the Institute to confer on you, the title of ‘Fellow of the Institute of Mentoring and Coaching, Nigeria.

“We believe that with this conferment, it will drive you to greater achievements, which will engrave your name in Gold.

“Finally, our deepest appreciation goes to the father of the service, in the person of Comptroller General of Customs, Bashir Adewale Adeniyi, MFR for his invaluable contribution and result oriented administration,” Barr. Hashim stated.

Earlier in his speech, the Zonal Co-ordinator, Zone C Headquarters, PortHarcourt, Rivers State, ACG O Peters, expressed their readiness to support the programmes of COWA, having known that it is a non profitable organization.

He thanked Mrs. Adeniyi for hitting the ground running in a short period of time, especially in her quest to ensure the welfare of its members, particularly the widows in their midst, adding that the visit would afford the national president, the opportunity to commission project and empower members.

Highlights of the event include:  presentation of Fellow Awards to the duo of Mrs. Kikelomo Adeniyi and Barr. Mrs. Maryam Hashim by the Director General, Chartered Institute of Mentoring and Coaching Nigera, Dr. Rotimi Matthew; cultural dance performance, presentation of food items to 30 widows and commissioning of COWA Area 1 Chapter Secretariat by the National President of COWA, Mrs. Adeniyi.

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