Prologue : Garment Of Shame


By Miracle Egbo

Truth cannot be submerged in the pool of lies not matter how hard you tried.  This is the fate of the controversial credential submitted to the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.  In the build-up of his bid to contest for the governorship of Lagos State in 1999, he claimed that he attended Government College Lagos and Chicago University.  In one breath Tinubu attended Government College Lagos in another he was a student at Government College Ibadan.  Facts checking have shown that there was no Government College Lagos as at 1970 when he claimed he graduated from the school.  Ditto for Chicago University which said that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu was never a student of the University, therefore should not drop the name of the university.

23 years later the same Tinubu submitted to INEC Chicago State University’s Diploma Certificate and the certificate had since been disowned by the University.  The University said that the qualifying certificate admitting one Bola A. Tinubu from Southgate College could not be verified but there is a social security number embossed in the certificate.  Facts revealed that when you click on the social security number on the qualifying certificate that Tinubu claimed to have used to gain admission into  CSU itshowed that the certificate belong to one Abimbola Adenike Tinubu which our sitting President had since adopted the initials. 

Further check revealed that the said Abimbola Adenike Tinubu had Physics, Chemistry and Biology and latter graduate from the university as a medical doctor.  The question that begs for answer was when did Tinubu changed from a female to a male, and changed from being a medical doctor to an ‘Accountant’?

The spin doctors of Tinubu have  not been able to tell Nigerians why the National Youths Service Corp, NYSC  certificate which Tinubu equally submitted to INEC in 1999 which bears the name of Abimbola Adenike Tinubu instead of Bola Ahmed Tinubu who actually  is the real Tinubu that Chicago State University admitted.  In the same vein, the truth has refused to be submerged in the pool of lies that Tinubu through action or inaction has webbed himself in.

What does not add up in the defense of the Tinubu camp in the certificate scandal is the fact that Tinubu has not been able to let Nigerians know the Primary and         Secondary schools he attended and the names of his classmates either in the Primary or Secondary schools, dead or alive?

The harder Tinubu camp tried to conceal the truth the more the truth rear its head as evidence in 33 page document deposed on oath by the registrar of CSU to the extent that the University categorically said that the certificate Tinubu submitted to INEC was not from the university and has not authorized any third party vendor to issue as claimed by the spin doctors of President Tinubu. Recall that in the course of the protracted litigation at the US court to unravel who the real Bola A. Tinubu is by compelling CSU to make public his academic records, Tinubu’s defense team argued that the sought revelation by Atku Abubakar would pose a colossal  and irreparable damage to the reputation of their client.  Damages are oozing out; Tinubu’s image and reputation have been dragged to the mud, the world is laughing at the duplicity called Nigeria, foreign investors are said to have vowed not to invest in Nigeria’s volatile political environment, Nigerian youths are saying, “may Nigeria not happen to them”.

What the Supreme Court would in weeks to come unravel is who is Abimbola Adenike Tinubu who actually went to CSU as evidence in the documents both the qualifying certificate into the CSU and the transcript the CSU made public if the apex court will agree to address fresh evidence against Tinubu in the ongoing Presidential Election litigation.

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