Innovator In The Saddle


The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) continues to undergo various innovative transformations under its new management headed by Bashir Adewale Adeniyi

 By Innocent Chukwu

December 2012 Wale Adeniyi (as he is fondly called by friends and admirers) was still the National Public Relations Officer (NPRO) of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS). At the opening ceremony of that year’s Customs Comptroller General (CGC’s) annual Conference in Katsina the capital city of the North west state, Katsina, the former Vice President Atiku Abubakar had made a subtle jest of the NCS over its short training period for its officers.

The hall of the event was full of dignitaries who showed up to felicitate with the influential Comptroller General of Customs at the time, Alhaji Abdullahi Dikko Inde now of blessed memory. Roll call of powerful dignitaries included former President Olusegun Obasanjo, Governor of Katsina State who played host, the Ooni of Ife, the Obi of Onitsha, the Sultan of Sokoto among others.

When it was Atiku’s turn to give his goodwill message, upon grabbing the microphone, he went straight to Obasanjo’s seat and kneeled down to embrace and pay obeisance to the former president. There was an uproar of excitement in the hall, that event was probably the only one both president and vice would be sitting side by side after their protracted disagreement on political matters since 2017.

Swimming in the euphoria of the ovation that greeted his humble action, Atiku went straight to fault the customs officers training period which according to him had been reduced from six to three months at the last recruitment. Atiku, a retired customs officer, said he trained for six months to be qualified as a professional officer. But he wondered what had changed now as he alluded that any form of under performance in the modern customs could be a result of lack of proper training for officers.

Adeniyi, the incumbent CGC, was the moderator at the Conference as the NPRO. When he took over the microphone from Atiku, Adeniyi had deployed a lighter note approach to counter the allusion by Atiku that customs officers were no longer well trained. He said Atiku era was the era of analogue while the modern customs had embraced digitalization and automation of its processes including training of the recruits. Laughter filled the hall.

Eleven years after, Adeniyi is now in position to implement the full automation of the NCS processes and operations, a dream he had held secretly in his heart waiting for destiny to call, and it did call on June 19, 2023.

No wonder Adeniyi as the CGC had carefully chosen the theme of this year’s CGC’s Conference to align with his long held dream and passion of fully digitalizing the NCS. Stressing his enthusiasm last week for the resuscitation of the temporarily suspended CGC’s Conference, Adeniyi said, “In line with my efforts and that of my management team to modernize the Nigeria Customs Service through leveraging technology driven customs to shape the future of our operations, I am inviting you to this year’s Comptroller General’s Conference scheduled to hold from 13th to 15th December 2023 at the Grand Ballroom, Continental Hotel Lagos.

“The theme of this year’s Conference is, ‘Leveraging Data Analytics for Secure and Efficient Trade Facilitation in Customs Service’. We are embracing innovation, utilizing the power of analytics to ensure security and efficiency of customs operations.

“This significant event will centre around discussion on implementing new measures to enhance the Service’s operations, championing secure and efficient operations across the federation. It will serve as a platform for attracting new business stakeholders to our shore.

“Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of this renewed hope experience as we consolidate on the achievements of the past, collaborate with stakeholders and, of course, bring in innovation to drive customs operations”.

Adeniyi’s ascension to the throne as the customs boss has elicited various sweet discourses across the polity. A school of thought said Adeniyi has over 30 years experience in customs administration in the area of strategic and operational responsibilities, possessing a deep understanding of the complex and constantly evolving international trade landscape. Proponents of this ideology further submit that the sitting CGC had over time built strong relationships with stakeholders and collaborated effectively to ensure effective and efficient movement of goods across borders. Hence, he possesses a strong command of customs regulations and procedures.


The CGC Adeniyi and his team leveraged on the new management policy thrust of ‘Collaboration, Consolidation and Innovative Solutions’ to embark on a comprehensive overhaul of the Service they inherited. Paying due attention to the advancement in customs technology driven operations, the management recently launched a two-day workshop on GEOSPATIAL techniques for the officers and men.

The programme was aimed at enlightening officers to have a practical understanding of border security which would yield positive result in boosting the economy. The CGC was represented by the Deputy Comptroller General (DCG) in charge of Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), Saidu Galadima who stressed the CGC’s passion for intensifying the Service’s efficiency, leveraging technology to enhance trade and curb smuggling and other economic crimes.

Galadima said CGC Adeniyi “Is a person who supports technology”. The Assistant Comptroller General (ACG) in charge of ICT and Modernization, Mrs Kikelomo Adeola said introducing GEOSPATIAL technology training for customs officers would enable the Service to maximize its war against smuggling. “Gone are the days when officers carry guns to scout smugglers in the bushes, that’s why we deemed it necessary to introduce this GEOSPATIAL programme to equip our staff with requisite experience in checkmating smuggling activities while in their offices”.

The ACG Adeola hinted that at the end of the training, officers would be able to detect all the illegal and unapproved routes used by smugglers across the border areas so as to deploy intervention to thwart their nefarious activities.

Upon receiving a delegation from the ZGM Investment Group of Companies Limited, a coordinating firm of the Ogun State Guangdong Free Trade Zone and Polish investors at the Customs Corporate Headquarters in Abuja last October, the customs boss told his guests that his main priority as the leader of the NCS was to take proactive measures to facilitate. The customs boss had also reiterated President Bola Ahmed Tinubu administration’s economic policies which he said mandate the NCS to create enabling environment for genuine businesses to flourish in the country. “The Nigeria Customs Service is aware that you are investors and you would want your investments protected as well as to yield some dividends.

“Thus, if we can achieve the objectives of your coming to Nigeria, then I consider this as a good starting and it’s going to be a win-win collaboration for the parties involved”, said the CGC.

On Wednesday November 8, 2023, Adeniyi inaugurated the port Decongestion/Auction Committee charged with the responsibility of disposing overtime cargoes in all the ports across the country. The CGC told the Committee that averting ports congestion was in the customs reform agenda of his administration, especially in response to the new Customs Act’s provisions which empower the NCS to dispose of containers that have exceeded their allotted time within the ports. The setting up of the overtime cargoes Committee excited the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) which hailed the new management of customs for departing from the old ways and methods of auctioning such cargoes in the past. Adeniyi had also assured stakeholders of transparency in forth coming auction exercise.

On the issue of war against pirating intellectual and creative property in the country, the NCS has assured the Nigerian Copyright Commission (NCC) that it was ready, under the leadership of Adeniyi, to collaborate with the body to combat the crime in the country. The assurance came when the CGC hosted a delegation from the NCC who paid him a courtesy visit at the Customs Corporate Headquarters in Abuja on Tuesday, November 21, 2023.

The CGC noted that a synergy between the two agencies would create opportunities for them to establish a significant legacy that would end the menace of intellectual and creative property piracy in the country. The customs boss also underscored the need for the training of customs officers on how to combat intellectual property pirates, adding that “This programme will introduce officers and men of the Service to new values and expertise that would enhance their capacity and morale to fight piracy”.

While conveying profound gratitude to the NCC for the pleasure of a working relationship and collaboration, Adeniyi further noted that the alliance would protect creative and intellectual property more effectively because it will significantly contribute to the country’s economic growth.

Leader of the NCC delegation and its Director General, Dr John Asein, expressed appreciation for the NCS management for its ongoing efforts at rebranding and repositioning the Service, adding that “The idea behind paying this courtesy visit to you, Comptroller General, is to congratulate you on your appointment and to extend our hand of collaboration to end piracy”.

The new management of customs has also entered into a strategic partnership with the AFRITAC West 2 for enhanced Risk Management. This partnership was established on Monday, November 20, 2023 when the CGC hosted a delegation of from the African Regional Technical Assistance Centre (AFRITAC) West 2 who paid a visit to the Customs Corporate Headquarters in Abuja where Adeniyi reiterated his management commitment to enhance capacity of customs officers through relevant exposure and training.

Adeniyi had also at the meeting emphasized the importance of not limiting training and capacity building opportunities to Nigeria alone, but the significance of extending training collaboration efforts in the global trade landscape.

AFRITAC West 2 is collaboration between the International Monetary Fund (IMF), recipient countries and various bilateral and multilateral partners, and it is dedicated to providing technical assistance and training to nations including Cape Verde, Gambia, Ghana, Liberia Nigeria and Sierra Leone.

Eva Jenkner, Director AFRITAC West 2 commended Adeniyi for his administrative prowess in transforming the NCS within the short period he has led the Service, and applauded his proactive approach in revitalizing the NCS.

In the quest to achieve high tech innovation, the customs management under Adeniyi leadership has solicited the support of the upper legislative chamber of the National Assembly, the Senate, for the improvement in the areas of trade facilitation and revenue generation using full automated devices. The NCS sought the intervention of the Senate Committee on Customs to address its core needs of providing modern facilities for the complete automation of the NCS operations.

The CGC made the plea last November during a meeting with the Senate Committee in Abuja. The customs boss noted that when the Service is fully automated, it would boost its commitment to fostering economic growth, job creation and dynamic trade relations.

Along the line of its innovative agenda, the NCS said it has commenced the implementation of a project referred to as ”Time Release Studies (TRS)” at the nation’s ports to ensure quick clearing processes and quick evacuation of cargoes from the ports. To effectively implement the policy of ease of doing business in the ports, Adeniyi had also appointed Comptroller Dera Nnadi to chair the TRS implementation. Nnadi is Customs Area Controller (CAC) of the Tincan Island Port Customs Command.

The TRS is a project of the World Customs Organization (WCO) which deploys scientific methods to measure the time it takes between the arrival of cargoes in the ports and the time they are cleared and evacuated out of the port.


The Adeniyi-led NCS recognizes the place of nature in the affairs of humans-no man is an island-even the Master Craftsman, in the beginning, created man and woman. The law of collaboration is natural. Thus, on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, the NCS signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) for automated data sharing of vehicles registration. Adeniyi and the Corps Marshall of FRSC, Danda Ali signed the MoU at the headquarters of the FRSC in Abuja.

While signing the MoU, Adeniyi admitted that it would foster unity, inter-agency collaboration between the two agencies, and help prevent revenue leakages, especially through vehicles smuggling. Smuggling in vehicles across the borders is a crime that threatens the Nigerian economy, which must be nipped in the bud. Consequently, “The Memorandum of Understanding would lead to seamless collaboration, operational efficiency, enhanced compliance and Innovative problem – solving”, Adeniyi said.

In its continued efforts to bolster trade, the NCS has also moved to strengthen ties with the Plateau State government under the governorship of Caleb Mutfwang. The CGC played host to governor Mutfwang and his entourage last October in Abuja.

Governor Mutfwang expressed delight and satisfaction with Adeniyi’s efforts at repositioning and rebranding the Service, and then sought the NCS support, and partnership with Plateau State in order for the state to achieve security and economic growth.

Similarly, the current management of the NCS has entered another collaboration with the Revenue Mobilisation, Allocation and Fiscal Commission (RMAFC) which core objective is to curb revenue leakages and boost Federal Government revenue.

The CGC announced the NCS groundbreaking partnership with the RMAFC on Tuesday, October 3, 2023 at the Customs Headquarters in Abuja, intimating that the initiative was also aimed at both agencies aligning strategies and pooling resources to maximize the remittance of accrued revenue to the Federal Government. The NCS-RMAFC partnership has marked a pivotal movement in Nigeria’s financial landscape, according to the two agencies.

During his visit to the Customs Corporate Headquarters, the Chairman of the RMAFC, Muhammad Shehu Umar and his delegation who confessed they received a warm embrace from the CGC, praised him for intensified and innovative trade facilitation undertaken by the customs management under Adeniyi’s watch.

Again, as part of his mandate to form a robust alliance with other relevant agencies and institutions of government, Adeniyi on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 led the NCS into another strategic alliance with the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Kuru, Plateau State.

The alliance entered with the NIPSS Director General, Prof. Ayo Omotayo, is for strategic working partnership as well as NIPSS contribution at this year’s CGC Conference. The MoU was signed at customs headquarters during Omotayo and his team’s visit to the CGC.

Professor Omotayo urged the CGC to work hard to reposition the NCS, not only in the area of revenue increase, but in trade facilitation and national security.

The management of the NCS led by Adeniyi during the year took steps to deepen the Service’s working relationship with the Nigerian Navy so as to consolidate customs presence on the territorial waters against smugglers. The event took place last November when the CGC visited the Naval Dockyard in Lagos whereupon he acknowledged that the Nigerian Navy possessed the knowledge and capacity to maintain customs fleet of vessels used in anti-smuggling on the waters.

Speaking at the event, Adeniyi said, “We don’t need to establish a Vessel Maintenance Unit, it’s capital intensive, but we have an agency of government that has the knowledge, that has the capacity, and there’s the willingness from them to assist us.

“I have seen and marvelled by the capacity that exists here in the Naval Dockyard, and we believe that we could tap into that capacity and enter into some agreement with you so that you could manage the maintenance of our fleet.

“If we block the land borders effectively and do not maintain a very strong presence on our territorial waters, smugglers will take advantage, so we also need to fortify and enhance our presence to checkmate those who may want to try smuggling through our waters”.

In his response, the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer (MD/CEO) of the Naval Dockyard Limited, Rear Admiral Abolaji Orederu, said the Naval Dockyard plays a significant role in vessels maintenance, repairs, and even ship building. He assured the CGC of Naval collaboration in the areas of mutual need.

“Naval Dockyard is well poised to take advantage of situations like this, and we see the Nigeria Customs Service as a powerful ally of the Nigerian Navy. The capacity is here and the excess capacity can be used to support other agencies, the larger maritime community and the shipping world as whole”.

The incumbent CGC has further proposed another strategic collaboration with the armed forces against smuggling. Adeniyi is seeking for an intensified joint exercise between customs and military, noting that, “We stand stronger when we work together”.

The sought collaboration with the armed forces is aimed at reducing smuggling to its barest minimum in the country, thereby taking national security a notch higher. The CGC spoke on Thursday, November 30, 2023 when the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Christopher Musa paid him a courtesy visit in Abuja.

Reflecting on past collaboration with the Defence Headquarters, Adeniyi highlighted the support the NCS received from the military in capacity building, joint operations and training exercise, assuring Musa that the NCS would continue to explore innovative solutions to challenges and continue to work closely with other government agencies leveraging on technology.


Admirers and close associates of CGC Adeniyi said he is a balanced leader. Notably, the posting of Comptrollers Nnadi and Timi Bomodi to head the Tincan Island Port Area Command and Seme Border Area Command as CACs respectively, is a testimony of Adeniyi’s balanced style of leadership. Nnadi is from the South east while Bomodi is from the South south region of the country. The last time a South easterner headed the Tincan Island Port Customs Command as a CAC was in 2006 when then CGC Jacob Gyang Buba now the reigning Gbom Gwom Jos, magnanimously deployed retired Comptroller Jerry Alagbaoso now a member of the House of Representatives, to lead the command. Retired ACG Aneke from Enugu, South east also headed Seme Border Area Command in 2009 under CGC Dikko Inde.

The sitting customs boss is also considered a humanitarian leader who does not favour the radical and hostile approach to anti-smuggling operations which often led to clashes between customs operatives and border communities. These clashes left scores of casualties on both sides. Adeniyi’s leadership has dissuaded such clashes that had negative Public Relations implications on the corporate image of the Service. In the past six months of Adeniyi being in the saddle, issues of constant clashes involving customs patrol operatives and border communities have been laid to rest.

In order to prepare officers for a comfortable life after retirement, the NCS management under the leadership of Adeniyi, last November, collaborated with a firm identified as “Sean Cussons Consulting Group” to hold a five – day pre- retirement workshop for officers who are preparing for retirement. The event held between November 13 and 17, 2023 at the Customs Conference Hall, Garki Abuja.

The CGC who was represented at the workshop by the ACG Human Resource Development, Greg Itoto, reiterated the main objectives of the retirement workshop to wit: “This workshop is designed to empower the officers of the Nigeria Customs Service, and was approved by the CGC Bashir Adewale Adeniyi, MFR, considering its significance in finding better ways of living for the retiring officers after their service.

“The retirement workshop which mostly targets Deputy Comptrollers aims at empowering them with business ideas, investments, technological opportunities and healthy living tips among other aspects after leaving the Service”.

The new management of the NCS said it has commenced talks with the Federal Ministry of Finance on initiating a Bill at the National Assembly for the establishment of a new and dedicated Pension Scheme for officers and men of the Service.

The CGC dropped this hint last November when he hosted and addressed some retired management officers at the maiden edition of the ex-management reunion meeting held at the Customs Corporate Headquarters in Abuja.

At the event, the CGC said, “This strategic initiative reflects foresight in securing the financial future of the leaders within the Nigeria Customs Service”.

He reassured retired customs officers and men of the comprehensive measures to boost their welfare with a plan to integrate them into the Nigeria Customs Service healthcare programme, while assuring them of his management’s commitment to sustain the bond of friendship within the Service beyond the active service period.

He also stressed the significant contributions of retired officers to the growth of the Service. He described the reunion as a definitive avenue for connecting with successful leaders who have played pivotal roles in shaping the agency.

In recognition of Adeniyi’s leadership capacity, and as a core Public Relations manager, it was not a surprise to many observers of customs events when last November the Nigeria Institute of Public Relations (NIPR), conferred on him a rare leadership position to head a group of Reputation Managers.

The NIPR said it was delighted with Adeniyi’s leadership prowess. Consequently, the President of the NIPR, Ike Neliaku, at the inauguration of the Nigeria Reputation Management Group (NRMG) on November 24 in Abuja, said that the combination of the 23 members of the NRMG to be led by the Customs CG, marked a significant step towards fortifying Nigeria’s global image.

The NRMG has other notable members including Ambassador Zubair Dada, a former Minister of State (Moss) for Foreign Affairs Yomi Badejo, Prof. Kate Omenuga among others.

“The NRMG, born out of a commitment to enhance Nigeria’s reputation, has a multi – faceted mandate. In addition to developing sustainable strategies and operational modalities, the group is tasked with identifying critical national assets and wielding influence over Nigeria’s reputation”, Neliaku said.


All that has been happening within the NCS in the past six months- June to December 2023- when Adeniyi began to lead the Service indicate that hope and dedication have been rekindled in the agency in line with the renewed hope agenda of the President Tinubu administration. They also prove that in the 21st century, the place of professionalism and expertise in human endeavors cannot be overemphasized in the pursuit of excellence in virtually all human endeavors.

Early in the administration, Comptroller Abba Yusuf and his team at the Port and Terminal Multi -Services Limited (PTML) dutifully recorded a striking seizure of 1,600 drums of expired tomato concentrate from Spain concealed in 20 containers, and falsely declared as Almond Shell. In his official working visit to the FOU Zone A, Lagos last August, Adeniyi showcased numerous seizures alongside the tomato concentrate, including dangerous arms and numerous ammunition concealed in two 40ft containers at the same PTML Command and Tincan Island Command respectively, under Comptroller Kunle Oloyede .

It was at that media event that Adeniyi disclosed the direction his administration would take in line with Tinubu’s renewed hope agenda. He had said, “Let me state at this point that the Service re-strategized its operations, while our offices have raised their level of professionalism, and have keyed into the mantra of renewed hope aimed at facilitating legitimate trade, we are assuring all compliant traders and importers that they have nothing to fear.

“We have re-injected new tactics to tackle the economic and security menace caused by recalcitrant importers and their agents. The declaration of a state of emergency in revenue generation and national security has further aligned our activities with the government’s strategic goals”.


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